Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does this website do?
2. How to prepare input files?
3. What are the output files?
4. How do I cite this website for publication?
5. Contact us
6. Acknowledgement

1. What does this website do?

This website enables easy and fast genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in the DGRP. Users upload a phenotype file and can expect to retrieve full association results, annotations of top associations, and diagnostic plots such as QQ plots and LD heatmaps in under 30 minutes.

This website also hosts data files generated in the DGRP2 should you need to perform your own analyses. For a list of those files, please refer to the data file page (link).
2. How to prepare input files?

Example (link)

The GWAS analysis pipeline accepts line means. The input file should contain either a single phenotype or two phenotypes, one for each sex. The file should be delimited by comma and NOT contain a header line. The first column should be integers that identify the DGRP lines. If there are phenotypes for both sexes, males are in the second column and females the third. Lines that are not present in the current data freeze (see here for a complete list of lines in this freeze) should be removed prior to submission. Non-numerical values are treated as missing data. An example input file with two phenotypes can be found in this link (link), first three lines shown below). We encourage you to download this example and use it as a template to preprae your input files.
3. What are the output files?

As soon as the analyses are complete, you will receive an email notification with the link to download the output files.
4. How do I cite this website for publication?

A manuscript describing the data generating process of the DGRP Freeze 2.0 has been submitted for publication. The manuscript comprehensively characterizes molecular variation in the DGRP and details the statistics underlying this GWAS web server. Before the paper is published, please cite the main DGRP paper (Mackay et al., Nature, 2012).
5. Contact us

Please send your feedbacks and questions to
6. Acknowledgement

The entirety of the GWAS pipeline uses open source softwares, including but are not limited to: