Genotype files

  1. VCF file for the DGRP Freeze 2.0 calls
  2. Plink formatted genotype (BED/BIM/FAM)
  3. Tabular formatted genotype (space delimited, 0 = ref allele, 2 = alt allele (not necessarily minor), - = missing)
  4. Relationship matrix (tab delimited, to conform with FastLMM format, the line IDs are repeated (family ID and individual ID, such as in PLINK)

Phenotype files

  1. Ayroles et al., Nat Genet, 2009
  2. Mackay, et al., Nature, 2012
  3. Weber, et al., PLoS ONE, 2012
    • Oxidative stress [survival on paraquat] (female, male)
    • Oxidative stress [survival on msb] (female, male)
  4. Jordan, et al., PLoS ONE, 2012
    • Statle response under oxidative stress (female, male)
    • Negative geotaxis under oxidative stress (female, male)
  5. Swarup, et al., PNAS, 2013
    • Olfactory behavior [benzaldehyde] (female, male)
  6. Gaertner et al., G3, 2015
    • Courtship behavior (external link to G3 supplemental table Raw data)
  7. Arya et al., Chem Senses, 2015
  8. Dembeck et al., PLoS Genet, 2015
  9. Shorter et al., PNAS, 2015
  10. Garlapow et al., PLoS ONE, 2015
  11. Morozova el al., BMC Genomics, 2015
  12. Dembeck et al., eLIFE, 2015
    • Cuticular hydrocarbon (external link to eLIFE supplemental table Line means)
  13. Durham et al., Nat Comm, 2014

Data in Huang et al. 2015

  1. Expression data from 185 DGRP lines (female, summarized gene expression, up to 2 reps per line)
  2. Expression data from 185 DGRP lines (male, summarized gene expression, up to 2 reps per line)
  3. Data used for eQTL mapping. (PLINK formatted BIM, BED, FAM, and female expression, and male expression).
  4. Corrected Table S11 and Table S12. The corrections were made to the annotations only, which were inadvertently misjoined with other columns in the tables. A formal correction will be submitted to the journal.

Data in Everett et al. 2020

  1. GTF for NTRs
  2. Line means for genetically variable genes in females (adjusted for covariates)
  3. Line means for genetically variable genes in males (adjusted for covariates)

Data in Huang et al. 2020

  1. Data used for eQTL mapping. (PLINK formatted BIM, BED, FAM, and female 18 degree expression, male 18 degree expression, female 25 degree expression, and male 25 degree expression).

Other useful files

  1. Inverstion status
  2. Wolbachia infection status
  3. Variant annotation (based on FB5.49)
  4. Variant annotation (based on FB5.57)
  5. UCSC Genome Browser track
  6. Affymatrix Drosophila 2.0R genome tiling array bpmap file

xQTL related files

  1. BED file for Flyland SNPs
  2. BED file for Flyland II SNPs
  3. VCF file for indel sites
  4. VCF file for all sites
  5. Variant annotation (based on FB5.57)